Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Second Placement

Recently, I just found out where my second placement would be. It's in a grade 6 class where I was informed that the students were in an Intensive French program. Well, was I shocked. I don't speak French fluently and I can only remember a few words from high school. I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed until this past weekend when I came across an excellent article in The Standard which outlined what exactly I an Intensive French program entails.If you have a chance, the article is full of information on the French Programs being offered by both the boards in the areas and what French programs are available to stduents in the area. Here is the link for the article.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Teaching the Holocaust

After listening to our guest speaker today, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Listening to this gentleman's story was very moving and I wish that more people would have this experience as well. By learning through first hand stories about such tragic historical events, students gain a deeper sense of what really happened and appreciate more the efforts of all those who fought and continue to fight for our rights and freedoms. A quote to always remember "Those who forget the past, will live it in the future."