Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Teacher's Prayer

I want to teach my students more than lessons in a book;
I want to teach them deeper things that people overlook-
The value of a rose in bloom, its use and beauty, too,
A sense of curiosity to discover what is true;
How to think and how to choose the right above the wrong,
How to live and learn each day and grow up to be strong;
To teach them always how to gain in wisdom and in grace,
So they will someday make the world a brighter, better place.
Lord, let me be a friend and guide to give these minds a start
Upon their way down life's long road, then Ill have done my part.
-Jill Wolf-


Dano said...

Yes, Ahmen! Nice prayer Heather. Thanks. Here's an old Hasidic story you might enjoy:

The moment of dawn
A Rabbi gathered together his students and asked them:
‘How do we know the exact moment when night ends and day begins?’
‘It’s when, standing some way away, you can tell a sheep from a dog,’ said one boy.
The Rabbi was not content with the answer. Another student said:
‘No, it’s when, standing some way away, you can tell an olive tree from a fig tree.’
‘No, that’s not a good definition either.’
‘Well, what’s the right answer?’ asked the boys.
And the Rabbi said:
‘When a stranger approaches, and we think he is our brother, that is the moment when night ends and day begins.’

Miss. S said...

beautiful words! love it! :)