Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Well, after destroying my windshield wippers this morning, I made it safely to St.Vincent de Paul school and was sweapt off to Frano-Neige. Franco-Neige was a day of activities where the French immersion and chosen core French students from all across the board got together and celebrated. It was an interesting day and I had alot of fun. I learned some French and ate some wonderful French Canadian foods, such a chick pea soup, meat pies and sugar pies. I hope everyone else had an exciting day like mine!!!

1 comment:

Miss M said...

I don’t think anyone could top your day, sounds like you had a blast! Eating and speaking. What was it like? Did the students have centers that they went to or were they all together? This must have been an interesting day to meet the students at a different level, out of their desks and learning in a totally different way. What a great experience!