Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Teacher Joke!!

Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?

Because she couldn't control her pupils!!!!!


Well, after destroying my windshield wippers this morning, I made it safely to St.Vincent de Paul school and was sweapt off to Frano-Neige. Franco-Neige was a day of activities where the French immersion and chosen core French students from all across the board got together and celebrated. It was an interesting day and I had alot of fun. I learned some French and ate some wonderful French Canadian foods, such a chick pea soup, meat pies and sugar pies. I hope everyone else had an exciting day like mine!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Second Placement

Recently, I just found out where my second placement would be. It's in a grade 6 class where I was informed that the students were in an Intensive French program. Well, was I shocked. I don't speak French fluently and I can only remember a few words from high school. I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed until this past weekend when I came across an excellent article in The Standard which outlined what exactly I an Intensive French program entails.If you have a chance, the article is full of information on the French Programs being offered by both the boards in the areas and what French programs are available to stduents in the area. Here is the link for the article.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Teaching the Holocaust

After listening to our guest speaker today, I was overwhelmed with emotion. Listening to this gentleman's story was very moving and I wish that more people would have this experience as well. By learning through first hand stories about such tragic historical events, students gain a deeper sense of what really happened and appreciate more the efforts of all those who fought and continue to fight for our rights and freedoms. A quote to always remember "Those who forget the past, will live it in the future."

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Teacher's Prayer

I want to teach my students more than lessons in a book;
I want to teach them deeper things that people overlook-
The value of a rose in bloom, its use and beauty, too,
A sense of curiosity to discover what is true;
How to think and how to choose the right above the wrong,
How to live and learn each day and grow up to be strong;
To teach them always how to gain in wisdom and in grace,
So they will someday make the world a brighter, better place.
Lord, let me be a friend and guide to give these minds a start
Upon their way down life's long road, then Ill have done my part.
-Jill Wolf-

Friday, October 05, 2007

Oops!! I forgot to talk about my second workshop. In the afternoon, "Creating Basic Drama Templates Across the Curriculum" took the book "The Lonely Scarecrow" by Tim Preston and guided us through basic drama strategies and techniques that could be implemented in the classroom: teacher in role, freeze and tableau, soundscape, chant, voices in the head, hotseating, elements of movement, get in - do something -get out. In groups of 4, we were asked to walk towards something scary, then freeze. This particular example of a tableau was to help students understand a section of the story where all the animals slowly walked up towards the scarecrow to investigate him. It was interesting to see the different tableau's our group of teachers came up with. We were able to express curiosity, being scared and friendship. If anyone is interested I have a copy of the handout to share.

Drama Workshop

Today I attended two drama workshops that were both very well done and extremely educational. The morning workshop looked at the Ontario Ministry Guidelines for Drama and Dance for JK to Grade 2 and we explored how "Noah's Ark Meets the 21st Century." The workshop had my associate teacher and I, acting as two ostriches building Noah's' Ark for the upcoming flood due to global warming. We explored present day dilemmas of global warming through creative movement and role playing, and looked at the elements of tableaux, voices in the head,and moving and speaking in-role of animals. The workshop was amazing!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Check out these fun word games!!!

I have found myself sending countless hours playing these word games. Be careful that you don't fall under their spell!!

Crossword puzzles
Text Twist